Membership Benefits

Reason #1: AGI Is Your Advocate
AGI embarks on policy advocacy geared towards improving overall corporate environment countrywide, especially reducing the cost of doing business; fostering international competitiveness; and Conducting surveys and sector studies that reflect your corporate interests.
Reason #2: AGI Is Your Representative
AGI fosters cooperation arrangements with a number of organisations; it also has representatives on various Government Boards as well as public institution Committees and its voice counts in the collective search for appropriate solutions to challenges facing your company.
Reason #3: AGI Offers Great Networking Opportunities
AGI organises luncheons, seminars, events and meetings that offer your company immense opportunities to interact with Counterpart executives and to network with other businesses.
Reason #4: AGI Keeps You Informed
AG I ensures that up-to-date business information, monthly newsletters and other publications are delivered either to your desk or via website connectivity (
Reason #5: AGI Promotes Your Products
AGI organises Trade Fairs in Ghana and Solo Exhibitions in the ECOWAS Sub-region to actively promote its “CONSUME MADE-IN-GHANA GOODS” Agenda, thus creating avenues for new buyers. and providing greater visibility for your company through Membership Listing and Buyers Guide.
Reason #6: AGI Facilitates Technological Progress
AGI serves on Standing Committees of COTVET (Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training) with regard to the harmonised implementation of CBT (Competency-Based Training), and collaborates with University Departments and Research Institution, thus paving the way for appropriate technology transfer and productivity enhancement.
Reason #7: AGI Connects You to The Outside World

AGI Creates an effective avenue for reaching out to such international business organisations as the Confederation of Danish Industry (Di), the Federation of German Industries (BD1), the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), World Economic Forum (WEF), among others.

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