AGI Staff workshop on environmental sustainability

The second day of the AGI Staff workshop on environmental sustainability, presented the opportunity to undertake company visits to Amanex Company Limited at Oshieyie off the Weija Highway.

At the end of the visit. The team had gained full appreciation on the level of effort the company is making to adhere to sustainability standards as encouraged by the AGI- Sustainability Cluster through its platform. On the other hand, the visit helped to pretest the idea and objective of creating an AGI Sustainablility services center to provide technical support to many of our SMEs.

The visitation was also extended to Tema Steel Company a subsidiary of the Diamond Group. We were taken to the Foundry where, electricity and black oil are use to melt scrap metals into various moulds for the mines and other metal processing factories like VALCO. In our interaction, we were told the production was less hazardous to the environment.

However, we observed some practices that bothered on the safety of the workers.

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