SME Grant Scheme For Job Creation

The Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) implemented the SME Grant Scheme for Job Creation, with support from the Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation, an initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. In total, 175 businesses applied for the grant, with 65 being selected after the evaluation process. The 65 successful grantees were then taken through a three-day training/coaching session on supply chain management and managing business finances.

The evaluation of the applications was conducted through several stages, utilizing innovative technological adaptations and expert human judgments. Overseeing and providing support for the project were Mr.  Johnson Opoku-Boateng (Director of Business Development Services, AGI) and Mr. Seth Twum-Akwaboah (CEO of AGI). With all evaluations done, those who met the requirements were selected and processed for payment. The model used in executing this project – grant application, training, monitoring, and further monitoring – was a comprehensive approach to helping SMEs create sustainable businesses that manufacture to standard requirements.

The trainings were held in four different locations – Accra, Tamale, Kumasi, and Sunyani – between 1st February and 18th March 2022.

The project aimed to assist growth-oriented SMEs in the manufacturing sector with basic equipment and training business managers on managing business finances and the supply chain to increase production and generate more employment opportunities for young people.

At the conclusion of the grant scheme, all sixty-five grantees had their equipment procured, with two still awaiting delivery. The programme was successful, with a high success rate reflected in the intensity of the testimonials and the outcome of the training evaluation.

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